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dc.contributor.authorCarlon M.N.-
dc.contributor.authorKiroglu M.S.-
dc.identifier.citationWomen and Birth, 2022, Volume 35, Supplement 1, Pages 50-51. Australian College of Midwives National Conference - Together at the Top, 13 September – 15 September 2022, Cairns, QLD, Australia-
dc.description.abstractWhat was the problem? Women under medical obstetrics (in addition to obstetric/midwifery care) found it difficult to access care: - Multiple appointments, sometimes at different campuses - Main carers for young children - The condition/s themselves - COVID restrictions on outpatient attendances.... ....leading to: - Delay/failure to seek timely care - Condition/s not managed well - Patient becomes more unwell/fetus at increased risk - Requires increased appointments/monitoring/admission/delivery Who is the most disadvantaged group? Looked at women who suffered from conditions associated with: - High FTA's - High number of touch points - Poorer outcomes if not well managed (including physical, psychological and patient experience implications) - Associated antenatal admissions/readmissions Hypertensive Disorders Hyperemesis Gravidarum Engaged consumers to develop improvement plan - "How could we manage their conditions better?" - Care at home as much as possible - Telehealth or home visits - To be taken seriously - To not be waiting hours in ED for treatment - To have timely follow up of interventions to see if they are working - To have someone to talk to regarding symptoms - To not feel like I'm wasting everyone's time when I seek treatment And MOaH (Medical Obstetrics @ Home) was born - Early referral (ED, SSU, GP, ANC, inpatient ward) - Follow up at home organised prior to discharge - Face to Face assement at home weekly/twice weekly until stable - Case review at end of each day with Medical Obstetrics and Midwife - person-centered, individualized treatment planning - Once stable, ongoing care via Telehealth/EVE app Evaluation Mid-evaluation now (March '22)Copyright © 2022-
dc.titleMOaH- Women, Midwives and Doctors working together in complex care-
dc.typeConference abstract-
dc.description.affiliates(Carlon) Northern Health, Preston, Australia.-
dc.description.affiliates(Kiroglu) Northern Health, Epping, Australia.-
dc.subject.keywordsCase study-
dc.subject.keywordsFollow up-
dc.subject.keywordsHome visit-
dc.subject.keywordsHospital patient-
dc.subject.keywordsHospital readmission-
dc.subject.keywordsHyperemesis gravidarum-
dc.subject.keywordsOutcome assessment-
dc.subject.keywordsPatient referral-
dc.subject.keywordsTreatment planning-
dc.contributor.nhauthorCarlon M.N.-
dc.contributor.nhauthorKiroglu M.S.-
dc.description.nhaffiliation(Kiroglu) Northern Health, Epping, Australia.-
dc.description.nhaffiliation(Carlon) Northern Health, Preston, Australia.-
Appears in Collections:Conference papers, presentations, and posters

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